Good day

I am trying to diagnose and resolve an issue whereby the memory consumed by the 
rsyslog daemon increases linearly over time. This continues until it consumes 
most of the memory (including swap) of the system and the service has to be 
restarted to free up memory. There are two servers with identical 
configurations. What I noticed is that the server receiving a higher volume of 
messages also consumes memory at a higher rate. In other word it appears as if 
the message rate, or message volume, is directly proportional to the rate at 
which memory is consumed.

Below is the version information for the rsyslogd daemon:
rsyslogd  8.2310.0 (aka 2023.10) compiled with:
       PLATFORM:                               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
       PLATFORM (lsb_release -d):
       FEATURE_REGEXP:                         Yes
       GSSAPI Kerberos 5 support:              No
       FEATURE_DEBUG (debug build, slow code): No
       32bit Atomic operations supported:      Yes
       64bit Atomic operations supported:      Yes
       memory allocator:                       system default
       Runtime Instrumentation (slow code):    No
       uuid support:                           Yes
       systemd support:                        Yes
       Config file:                            /etc/rsyslog.conf
       PID file:                               /var/run/
       Number of Bits in RainerScript integers: 64

It is running on Debian 12 servers.

To provide you with more background detail, initially I configured three 
listeners: one UDP (port 514), one TCP (port 514) and one TLS (port 6514). A 
single system was configured to push logs to the TLS port and that worked well 
(no increase in memory usage over time). Recently I added another UDP listener 
(port 10514) and started configured a number of systems to push their logs to 
this port, but since then I've observed the described gradual memory increase.

This new listener is configured as follows: A ruleset was created and bound to 
this listener (the ruleset doesn't have its own queue). The ruleset first runs 
the mmutf8fix action then calls a different ruleset (named "normalise"), which 
normalises the data (just sets specific variables that is later used in a 
template to construct a JSON object). After the call to the "normalise" ruleset 
returns, a mmnormalize action is performed and some additional variables are 
set. Lastly the ruleset (the one bound to the listener) then calls yet another 
ruleset (named "kafka_output"), which is used to construct a JSON object from 
the various variables and uses the omkafka action to push this to a Kafka 

The flow of the above can be visualised as:
Source -> Syslog Server [10514/UDP] -> [listener ruleset] -> [normalise 
ruleset] -> [kafka_output ruleset]

It should also be noted the original listeners are configured in much the same 
way, apart from having calls to even more rulesets. I haven't tested if the UDP 
listener on port 514 exhibits the same behaviour (it isn't currently being 

This rsyslog daemon is also used to capture locally generated logs and the 
statistics (impstats) module is also loaded.

What can I do to troubleshoot what's causing this "memory leak"?

Kind Regards

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