
module( load="imuxsock" )
module( load="imklog" )

if ($syslogfacility-text == 'kern' and $msg contains "Out of memory") then {
      action(type="omfile" queue.size="1000" queue.type="LinkedList"
queue.dequeueSlowDown="3600000000" file="/var/log/oom")

If we have a flurry of, for example, "Out of memory" messages from the
facility 'kern', we'd like to keep only, say, one per hour in a
separate file.

says do not set low value for queue.size.

Above page also says queue.dequeueslowdown can be used as
rate-limiting. Maybe that doesn't apply for "omfile" as I don't see
above rsyslog.conf working. high and low watermarks are not applicable
here as it's not a disk based queue. Appreciate any pointers.

Thank you.
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