
I have been toiling with this issue for a while now -- how to get custom fields to show up on the SelfService ticket creation page (the page regsitered but unprivileged users see).  For reference, the HTML file that powers this page is:

(though of course we edit the copy in "local" so as to not overwrite this original)

I've created a bunch of custom fields, and given the Everyone group rights to see and edit these fields in our main queue.  Then, I took a look at Create.html from the Ticket directory (this is the file that privileged users see when they request a ticket) to see how that page includes the custom fields.  The following code is used in this Create.html:

<& /Ticket/Elements/EditCustomFields, QueueObj => $QueueObj &>
% if ($TxnCFs->Count) {
% while (my $CF = $TxnCFs->Next()) {
<TD ALIGN=RIGHT><% $CF->Name %>:</TD>
<TD><& /Elements/EditCustomField, CustomField => $CF, NamePrefix =>
    "Object-RT::Transaction--CustomField-" &><em><% $CF->FriendlyType %></em></TD>
% }
% }

However, I found that including this same code in the SelfService's Create.html did not do the trick -- it resulted in some empty tables on the page.  My current thinking is that maybe the includes in this code (e.g. /Ticket/Elements/EditCustomFields, etc.) aren't available from the SelfService directory.

I noticed that the RT Wiki mentioned that someone had once posted a code snippet to get this to work, but the Wiki doesn't know where to find it (see http://wiki.bestpractical.com/index.cgi?PostQuestionsHere ).  Does anyone know how this can be done?  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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