Lab Workstations:

* quotes for workstation replacements
  - 4 medium-range PC boxen with Windows
  - 2 grunty PC boxen with Windows/Linux (?)
  - 1 OSX Mac

File Server:

* Confirm general School requirements
  - space per staffer/student
  - total space
  - backup/DR requirements

* lease expiry
  - when is final date for leases on this equipment?

* backup issues
  - tape library service/replacement costs
  - other backup methods

License Server:

* spec for new license server
* license server interest group list

Draga Printer:

* refresh quote from Connecting Point
  - confirm that model of printer requires PC RIP

Adobe Applications:

* confirm number of licences held 
  - from School info (are there any other paper copies?)
  - from Edsoft (what do they think we have already?)

* confirm licensing details with Edsoft about
  - cost per seat 
  - server licenses
  - what 'maintenance' actually means
  - how many times 'upgrade' licenses may be upgraded
  - can single seat CS license be split into seperate installs of each app?

Malcolm Herbert
Computer Support Officer
School of Geosciences
Monash University
ph 9905 4881


Community help:
Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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