On 6/26/06, Barry L. Kline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There are multiple links in the Wiki that are displayed as:
that I don't believe are spam. The URL, when corrected, seems to be
legitimate. I've been rolling back defiled pages when I come across
them, but I've yet figured out a way to get the "spam" tag removed from
the page. An example is on the contributions page, under "extensions".
Look at: statdump/statcrond
No matter how I enter the link the thing is still gets labeled as "Spam"
upon display. What's the trick to this?
The way it works is that the wiki has a whitelist of URLs; if your URL
isn't on the whitelist, it'll show up as spam://... no matter how hard
you try. Only the wiki admins can alter the whitelist.
Best method might be to send a notes to this mailing list with a subject like:
[WIKI ADMIN] Please whitelist http://...
... and see if it catches the eye of an admin. =]
Meanwhile, I added the URLs from the Extensions and Contributions
pages to the whitelist.
Jim Meyer, Geek at Large [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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