
I have just completed a fresh RT3.6 install on a RHEL4 system. I followed the the install documentation on the wiki site http://wiki.bestpractical.com/index.cgi?RHEL4InstallGuide and all went well (although some of the perl modules particularly the mason and log:: dispatch did not install, I had to go to back to older versions from the CPAN site before all would compile and install).

Anyway the problem I have is all the submit buttons, "login", "Create", "Go", "Search", "New Ticket in", " Modify Group rights" etc etc do not seem to be displaying correctly, they are not the nice rounded edge buttons from previous versions of RT. They consists of two square boxes one just out side the other, blue color. It seems they are not getting the css image formatting. I traced what I think are the rounded edges used in the formatting to NoAuth/images/css, at first I thought it was not find this directory, yet I am getting the rolldown-array and rollup-arrow images which are in this same directory.

It only seems to be on the submit class=button

Any Ideas.


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