

Short version: I have a problem as described in subject J


But serious, to be more descriptive:


I have version 3.4.4 of RT..

I installed RT version 3.6.0 on separate server, to change to it with our ticket system later.

I’ve made installation as described in wiki documentation.

After installation I made database backup from RT 3.4.4 and restored it in new version.


Following to the upgrade documentation I used the command:


    rt-setup-database –action insert –datadir /opt/rt3/etc/upgrade/3.5.1


as 3.5.1 is the only version between our old 3.4.4 and new 3.6.0 and there is no use of schema and acl actions for 3.5.1 (only new content as I see in files and docs)


And everything looks OK… almost…

I can log in into the application, I see list of tickets…

But when I want to pick some ticket, to look into it I have RT screen with RT Error: Could not load ticket xxx


I turned on debugging in RT – in logs I have:

[Tue Jul 11 09:11:14 2006] [debug]: RT::Date used date::parse to make 1970-01-01 -3600 (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Date.pm:212)

[Tue Jul 11 09:11:21 2006] [warning]: Tried to load a bogus ticket id: ' 49142' (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Ticket_Overlay.pm:265)

[Tue Jul 11 09:11:21 2006] [error]: WebRT: Could not load ticket  49142 () (/opt/rt3/share/html/Elements/Error:76)



But actually I don’t know how to deal with that, what to do.

Maybe there is still something to do with database?


No other interesting errors or anything in logs.

But I log also MySQL, if there could be any useful information.


Any suggestions? I will appreciate any ideas how to fix the problem, what to check etc.



Best regards

Jacek Rudowski

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