After installing 3.6.0 I noticed a significant apparent speed decrease vs 3.4.5.

Basically, at least with my mod_perl based install, it was doing 15+ HTTP GET'S - to fetch the current web page, the graphics, and the CSS.
I fixed that in two ways.

1) Fedora Core 5's Apache, at least, is disabling keepalives by default for some reason. I turned it on. Now a single apache process handles all the requests. Big speedup.

# in httpd.conf
KeepAlive On

2) Still, it was fetching all those files on every request, and arguably the only one that ever changes is the main web page. So I turned on:

ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType text/css A3600 # expire in an hour
ExpiresByType image/png A3600
ExpiresByType application/x-_javascript_ A3600
ExpiresByType image/gif A3600

Cut the number of requests per page down to 2 - and the total amount of tcp packets on a typical rt page as measured by ethereal by about half. User visible performance especially over the internet to my co-lo site was markedly improved.

Now in this latter thing I only wanted to put in for NoAuth subdirs but thus far I haven't convinced .htaccess to work for these subdirs.

Is there a better way to do this?

Mike Taht
PostCards From the Bleeding Edge

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