I also get the error 'Unknown field: Requestor.EmailAddress'.
The debug output as suggested by David Smithson is the following:

$%ARGS = {
           'ActorOp' => '=',
           'AndOr' => 'AND',
           'WatcherOp' => 'LIKE',
           'ValueOfActor' => '',
'Format' => '\' <b><a href="/Ticket/Display.html?id=__id__">__id__</a></b>/TITLE:#\', \'<b><a href="/Ticket/Display.html?id=__id__">__Subject__</a></b>/TITLE:Subject\',
           'LinksOp' => '=',
           'PriorityOp' => '<',
           'idOp' => '<',
           'SearchId' => 'new',
           'Size' => '',
           'ActorField' => 'Owner',
           'clauses' => '0',
           'PriorityField' => 'Priority',
           'LinksField' => 'HasMember',
           'ValueOfStatus' => '',
           'ValueOfLinks' => '',
           'ValueOfPriority' => '',
           'ValueOfTime-TimeUnits' => 'minutes',
           'Query' => ' Requestor.EmailAddress LIKE \'test\'',
           'ValueOfTime' => '',
           'DoSearch' => 'Add and Search',
           'AttachmentOp' => 'LIKE',
           'ValueOfDate' => '',
           'TimeOp' => '<',
           'QueueOp' => '=',
           'Title' => '',
           'Order' => [
           'AttachmentField' => 'Subject',
           'Face' => '',
           'Link' => 'None',
           'StatusOp' => '=',
           'TimeField' => 'TimeWorked',
           'DateField' => 'Created',
           'RowsPerPage' => '0',
           'ValueOfQueue' => '',
           'ValueOfid' => '',
           'WatcherField' => 'Requestor.EmailAddress',
           'ValueOfWatcher' => '',
           'DateOp' => '<',
           'ValueOfAttachment' => '',
           'OrderBy' => [

Thanks for help.
Jörg Eichhorn

On 11.08.2006 03:29, David Smithson wrote:
I wonder if you might glean some truth by enabling debug output in

$Debug => 2      <--------- changed from 0
$Menu => 1

Just a thought.

David Smithson


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mathew
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 6:05 PM
To: Gary Hall
Cc: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] 3.6.1 search bug?

Gary Hall wrote:
I'm running RT-3.6.1.

If I "Add" a search criterion using the drop down box whose
default is "Requestor EmailAddress" and then "Add and Search"
with a second criterion, the process fails with a message
"Unknown Field: Requestor.EmailAddress" (or whatever field
was selected from the drop-down box).

If I "Add and Search" with a "Requestor EmailAddress" criterion
alone, no error occurs and I get results.

If I "Add" a different criteron, (e.g., "Created Before") and
then Add and Search with "Requestor EmailAddress" (or any other
choice from that drop-down list), no error occurs and I get results.

Anyone else see this behaviour?


I did it wrong.  I fixed my process and made sure it matched the same
steps you took when you got the error.  I am also getting this error.

Mathew Snyder


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