Now open RT WebUI and create scrip:

condition: on correspondence
action: systems <- it should be available after you've created it with script
template: correspondence
stage: transaction create

You don't have to write any bit of code.

On 8/24/06, Jason Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Most probably you want to add a group instead of users, so you would
> be able to add users to the group from RT UI and scrip action will
> pick up new members automatically.

Thanks Ruslan, that sounds very sensible.

I have run the -admin tool, and created a notifygroup entity called
"Systems" which a group named 'Systems'.

# /usr/local/rt-3.4.5/local/sbin/rt-notify-group-admin --list
Name: Systems
Module: NotifyGroup
         Group   => Systems

Now, I still appear to have issues with my syntax.

after the "use RT::Action::Notify;" line, I have just one more line in the
cleanup section:


which gives this error:

[Thu Aug 24 17:11:55 2006] [error]: Scrip 15 Commit failed: Can't call
method "SetRecipients" on an undefined value at (eval 858) line 2.

I once again offer the excuse of not being a perl programmer, sorry...

Jason Marshall, Unix Geek, Kelman Technologies, Inc., Calgary, AB, Canada.

   From a Sun Microsystems bug report (#4102680):
     "Workaround: don't pound on the mouse like a wild monkey."

   "I have great faith in fools:
      Self confidence my friends call it."  -Edgar Allan Poe

Best regards, Ruslan.

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