It is possible to do it with the same web server and the use of virtual
hosts using FastCGI.  It isn't possible to use the same web server and
mod_perl.  If you want to do it via mod_perl, you need to run completely
separate httpd processes with completely separate configuration files.

It is do-able, and I've done it for customers in the past.  We've run it
with fastcgi for a LONG time, but, with recent installations, we began
to have quirky problems with mod_fastcgi and Apache.

IF the RT installations are not hugely busy, you could always use the
"standalone_httpd" that is included with RT.  You can, say, run it on
port 8010, then, in your web server's configuration file, use ProxyPass
and ProxyReversePass within a VirtualHost to make it accessible via
separate your existing httpd installation and via the normal port 80
without the fear of any port conflicts.

I know that sounds pretty funky. As I read it, it didn't come out all
that clearly, but I cannot think of another way to put it..

The "standalone_httpd" app that is included with RT is _not_ threaded
and suffers from a large performance hit when hit heavily.  FastCGI is
much, much faster. :)

> First note that you really don't need different instances
> of RT to handle different projects.  You can create
> different queues with different email aliases and different
> groups of people allowed to see them and the projects won't
> conflict with each other.  If you do need different instances
> for administrative reasons you can do it easily with
> fastcgi or with mod_perl you can run different httpd
> instances bound to different ports or IP addresses.


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