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On Wed, 27 Sep 2006 at 13:40 (-0700), Gary Hall wrote:

You're right that using the EXITCODE hack causes RT to fail to realize that there has been a successful delivery and continue to search for a place to deliver the message. This is the behavior I referred to in my posting.

I think your problem may be with the implementation of my proposed solution. When I said: "One solution to this problem is to set DEFAULT to /dev/null, i.e.,


prior to the execution of the rt-mailgate recipes.",

I meant to do it prior to the entire (set of) recipe(s).


I was a bit confused earlier, because I though you had indicated that RT would behave this way only if rt-mailgate had _failed_ to deliver something, which was not my symptom.

But your correction above does seem to do the trick. I had originally been wary of resetting DEFAULT globally in my .procmailrc, in case that might mess up other recipe processing that occurs earlier in the file. But I suppose my concern was misplaced. With 'DEFAULT=/dev/null' now at the beginning of the file, things seem to work fine now; I can get the benefits of setting EXITCODE, mail gets delivered to RT queues and I don't get extra copies of each mail parcel in the default inbox.



Mike Friedman                        IST/System and Network Security
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