Can someone tell me if there is a solution for this problem ?

Or the only solution is to delete all the database and start from begining again ? I have been using RT for three years and it would not be a good choice !

Problem: "Right could not be revoked" from Everyone and Unprivileged

There seems to be an issue with revoking DelegateRights and SuperUser
privileges from the Unprivileged and Everyone system accounts.

Granting and revoking privileges from the Privileged system group works
fine, it's just the two others that hang up.
Attempting to delete the rights separately shows the same behavior and log entries.

RT version = 3.6.1

I have tried with 3.6.2 too and the problem persists !



Jose Viegas Cardoso - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Fone: (61) 3448-4355
EMBRAPA/DTI - Brasilia, DF, Brasil -
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Esta mensagem da Empresa  Brasileira de Pesquisa  Agropecuária  (Embrapa),
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