Using request-tracker3 on Debian testing with the following packages:

request-tracker3    3.0.12-2
apache-perl         1.3.33-2
postgresql          7.4.7-6sarge1
perl                5.8.4-3

This was working just fine until a couple of weeks back, but now I'm 
getting error/warning messages in the logs and mails are not getting 
sent out when a ticket is created.  The log messages are:

Dec 23 12:12:18 logging RT: Disabled User:  1 failed access check for 
Dec 23 12:12:18 logging RT: Disabled User:  1 failed access check for 
Dec 23 12:12:18 logging RT: Disabled User:  1 failed access check for 
Dec 23 12:12:18 logging RT: Disabled User:  1 failed access check for 
Dec 23 12:12:18 logging RT: Disabled User:  1 failed access check for 
Dec 23 12:12:18 logging RT: Ticket 6054 created in queue '' by 
helpdesk (/usr/share/request-tracker3/lib/RT/

The last message is specially odd -- no queue name, but the ticket 
does show up under the correct queue.

Looks like a permissions problem, but I can't see anything amiss in 
the web interface, and don't know the RT database well enough to be 
able to debug it.  Any suggestions and help appreciated.


-- Raju
Raj Mathur           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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                      It is the mind that moves

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