Mathew Snyder wrote:
> I'm rewriting a script that will eliminate all spam users accrued over the
> course of a day.  Presently, it is using the least efficient way of executing
> the wipeout by performing a system call to rtx-shredder.  I would prefer to 
> run
> the wipeout by way of the Shredder API.  I'm guessing along the lines of this:
> # load plugin by preformatted string
> my $pluginString = "'Users=status,any;email,$email;replace_relations,Nobody'";
> my $plugin = new RTx::Shredder::Plugin;
> my( $status, $msg ) = $plugin->LoadByString( $pluginString );
> unless( $status ) {
>     print STDERR "Couldn’t load plugin: $msg\n";
>     exit(1);
>     }
> }
> Another question is in regards to the sql dump.  I've looked at rtx-shredder 
> and
> have seen referrence to the SetFile method but haven't seen anything about the
> DumpSQl method that is mentioned in  Is this automatically
> accounted for when if I use my ($fname, $fh) = $shredder-SetFile;?
> The portion of my script this relates to is below.
> <snip>
> foreach my $email (sort(@emails)){
>         print $email . "\n";
> }
> print "\nDelete the email addresses from the RT database [y/N]: ";
> chomp($ans = <STDIN>);
> if ($ans =~ m/^(y|yes)$/i){
>         my $email;
>         foreach $email (@emails){
> #       system "/usr/local/rt-3.6.1/local/sbin/rtx-shredder --force --plugin \
> 'Users=status,any;email,$email;replace_relations,Nobody'";
>         # load plugin by preformatted string
>                 my $pluginString = \
> "'Users=status,any;email,$email;replace_relations,Nobody'";
>                 my $plugin = new RTx::Shredder::Plugin;
>                 my( $status, $msg ) = $plugin->LoadByString( $pluginString );
>                 unless( $status ) {
>                         print STDERR "Couldn’t load plugin: $msg\n";
>                         exit(1);
>                 }
>         }
> }
> else{
>         exit;
> }
> </snip>
> One problem I can already see with the above snippet is that Shredder is 
> called
> seperately for each email address.  How do I set this up to run as one
> continuous execution for the entire array of addresses?
> Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
> Mathew

Can no one help with this?


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