
If you granted CreateTicket and ShowTicket rights to Everyone or Unprivileged, yes, that would be expected behavior.

It sounds like what you possibly want is:
* Everyone: CreateTicket
* Requestor (ie, themselves, if they created the Ticket): ShowTicket

Just because User A created the ticket, doesn't mean that User B is suddenly not Everyone or Unprivileged. You need to be more specific, in this case, and key in on the Requestor in order to determine if User B is allowed to see User A's ticket or not.

Hope this helps,

What it sounds like you want is to grant ShowTicket rights to

On Wed, 3 Jan 2007, Diego Chaparro wrote:

Hi all,

First of all, i'm new on Request Tracker but i've done the installation process
without problems. I've read all the documentation in the wiki, but i still don't
understand some things.

I've started creating two non privileged users (A and B) and i've granted those
users the CreateTicket and ShowTicket rights in order they could create tickets.
Then each user create one ticket, and i show that user A can see the tickets of
user B. Is it normal? I want that each user can only see his tickets, is it
possible?, how can i do that?

Sorry if it's a very simple question but i don't find the answer. Any kind of
link or help will be very grateful. I'm using RequestTracker 3.6.1.

Thanks in advance.

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