On 1/5/07 1:54 PM, "Kyle Sharp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have tried both the simple search and the advanced search.  Under the
> advanced search, I have selected "Content LIKE [Insert Word]" with the
> results still returned zero.  Maybe I have set something up incorrectly, but
> I'm not sure.

Hi Kyle,

I am able to search the content of correspondence by using just the phrase
you mention in the advanced search: "Content LIKE 'computer'".

Also, you can simulate this in the simple search by using the modifier
"fulltext:"  If you type "fulltext:computer" (unquoted) into the simple
search, it produces a TicketSQL of "( Content LIKE 'computer )".

And both of these return tickets (quite a few of them, as a matter of fact).

Maybe it's a permissions issue.  Are you logged in as a "superuser"?  Might
try that to just see if it is a permissions issue.  BTW, mine works using
3.6.3rc4 I can't speak to other versions...  Looks like Fulltext was added
back to simple search in 3.6.0, but that's all I could find about it.

Hope that helps,

Erik Peterson
Education Development Center, Inc.


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