Here's one method:

I customized it a bit for our needs and wrapped it in div package that makes it look like the other sections of the Display.html page. It allows a user to spawn a depended-on ticket in our Tasks queue with a particular Owner, or alternatively create a PartsOrder ticket. The link above gives you the basics, this is a bit more complex. It lives in local/html/Callbacks/SA/Ticket/Display.html/BeforeShowSummary

Hope it helps!


<div class="titlebox ticket-task-form" id="">
 <div class="titlebox-title">
<span class="widget"><a href="#" onclick="return rollup('TitleBox--_Ticket_Display.html--ticket-task-form----Tasks and Parts---0');" onfocus="this.blur(); return false;" title="Toggle visibility">X</a></span>
   <span class="left">Tasks and Parts</span>
<div class="titlebox-content " id="TitleBox--_Ticket_Display.html--ticket-task-form----Tasks and Parts---0"> <FORM ACTION="<% $RT::WebPath %>/Ticket/Create.html" NAME="CreateTicketInQueue">
 <input class="button" type="submit" value="Create associated task for:">
<& /Elements/SelectOwner, Name => 'Owner', QueueObj => $Ticket->QueueObj &>
 <input type="hidden" name="Queue" value="Tasks">
 <input type="hidden" name="DependsOn-new" value="<%$Ticket->Id%>">
<input type="hidden" name="Subject" value="Task for: <%$Ticket->Subject%>">
<br />
<FORM ACTION="<% $RT::WebPath %>/Ticket/Create.html" NAME="CreateTicketInQueue">
 <input class="button" type="submit" value="Order Parts">
 <input type="hidden" name="Queue" value="PartsOrdering">
 <input type="hidden" name="DependsOn-new" value="<%$Ticket->Id%>">
<input type="hidden" name="Subject" value="Part for: <%$Ticket->Subject%>">
$Ticket => undef
$Verbose =>  0
$Default => 0

Robin Ericsson wrote:
Following up my previous non-answered post.

Are there any other tools out there that lets the user easily create a
subticket, preferably in another thread?


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