OK.  But obviously one or more of the patches you applied broke something -
I would take a look at each patch that was installed and compare them
against the dependency requirements for RT.  Then only back out of those
patches.  Backing out of Sun supplied patches (which I assume these are) is
fairly straightforward and shouldn't cause a problem - why would backing
out of a few patches on a central staff server be problematic?  But it's
not my system to run...

If you are going to test on a different box, I would highly recommend not
using Solaris, but instead go with a Linux distribution to take advantage
of central package management - Redhat, Fedora, Gentoo, etc.  It makes
installing software, applying updates, etc, much more simpler.

James Moseley

             "Steve Holmes"                                                
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             m>                                                         To 
             Sent by:                  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"                 
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 
             om                                                         cc 
                                       "RT Users"                          
             03/12/2007 04:12          [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
             PM                        l.com                               
                                       Re: [rt-users] Can't create new     
                                       tickets, new problem                

Sorry, but we don't use sun's apache nor sun's perl. Unfortunately this RT
server is on one of the central staff servers so backing out patches would
be a very problematic. I might test an RT install on a different box, just
to see if it makes a difference.

Thanks anyway,

  Again, I would back out of all Sun patches that anything to do with
  or perl, then see if things work - the problems did not start happening
  until you applied those patches...  It also appears you are using Sun's
  perl and apache that came with Solaris 10 (or you managed to get from
  If so, I would stronly recommend not using their packages and recompile
  perl and apache (and other associated modules) from scratch.

  James Moseley

  James, thanks for your replies.


  [As a reminder I'm on Solaris 10, mysql 5.0.22, RT was 3.6.1, but is now

  I've been snooping around and can't find anything wrong which might cause
  this. (I've googled, and searched the archives and the wiki.) I've
  the rt3 database. Unless RT is doing something funny, the db is ok. I.e.
  DOES support transactions (except for the sessions table which is a
  table) It DOES NOT get errors in mysql when I do a start transaction nor
  when I do a set autocommitt = 0;

  The errors I get in the RT logs are:

  Mar 12 10:46:12 localhost RT: Transaction not committed. Usually
  a software fault. Data loss may have occurred

  It is of mild curiosity that these errors are occuring on a timed basis
  rather than on a usage basis. I.e. no one is actually using RT right now,
  except when I'm testing it.

  What I did this morning:

  I upgraded RT to 3.6.3, I re-installed DBD::mysql on the RT server, I've
  restarted apache. and I'm still getting this error. I can see tickets in
  RT, I just can't create new tickets or update existing ones.

  Here is the raw error as displayed in the browser from trying to create
  just one ticket (sorry for the wrap, some of these lines are VERY long):


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