At Thursday 5/3/2007 05:05 PM, Curt LeCaptain wrote:
Currently we're using RT 3.4.5, and I'm having some issues with scrips,
particularly on a Queue called Tech.

Here's what I'd like to happen:

Condition: On Transaction
Action: Notify Ccs
Template: Global Template Blank
Stage: TransactionCreate <----(Wondering if this is a problem or not)

Should send to a secondary queue on another server for tracking
purposes, which is defined as a permanent CC for that specific queue.

The only time that a Notify CC happens is when I'm replying.  Never on a
resolve/comment action, and I'm not sure why.

I've got the user created that I'm looking to use for this purpose, but
it only seems to run the CC action on a reply only, never any other

Any suggestions would be great, if more info is needed, I can give that
as well.

Curt L.


"Global template blank" is the problem - using this template ensures that the scrip will never send email. It's typically used whenever you create a scrip that should not result in an email message. So you should change to an appropriate template.

I suspect the reason you see notifications when you reply is that another scrip (On Correspond) exists -that's the scrip sending the notification, not the one above.

One note - On transaction will literally fire for every single transaction for the ticket (field updates etc). Are you sure that's what you want? You'll probably end up with multiple notifications with this setup.


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