Hey everyone!
I'm being forced to migrate RT 3.6.3 from MySQL 5.0.41 Community Server to
Oracle 10g.
You know, infinite levels of corporate paranoya and such...
But in any event, i've searched the Wiki and found very little on the
subject. I did download and installed the Oracle Migration Workbench tool
and successfully connected to my MySQL instance.
Am i better off creating the DB from scratch as part of RT install (i'll
also be migrating RT itself to another box) or is it better to perform an
actual migration of the whole MySQL DB, including the data, to Oracle via
the migration tool?
Has anyone done this type of a migration in the past?
Also, i'm concerned about installing extensions such as RTFM and AT with
Oracle. I know the schemas exist but is the installation process different?
Do i need to manually load the schemas first? The Oracle DB will be sitting
on another box than RT. Does this matter?

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