At Wednesday 5/23/2007 02:36 PM, Steve Huston wrote:
Apologies if this is covered in the archives somewhere, but my search-fu
resulted in pages of completely unrelated topics.

We're going to be using a queue in RT to handle applications sent in for
positions.  Right now, we've got a nice web interface which gathers all
the information from someone, including a few attachments they can
upload.  The next step is getting the data into RT.

The "simple" way, or so we thought, would be to email the data from the
web server, setting the From: address to the applicant's email.  They'll
get the autoresponse, and will be notified of changes to their
application in the future.  However, the person responsible for coding
up the frontend has hit a couple snags, and just asked me if it's
possible to post this directly to RT without using email (XML-RPC or
something like it).

The web server that the applicant will see is Internet-facing, while RT
is not (separate machines), so whatever would need to be done needs to
be over the network.  Any ideas?  I know the mailgate does something
similar, so it's in theory possible, I just don't know how well it could
be applied (and if I can have custom fields populated at the same time,
that would be even better).



You can definitely have your web form send email to RT, generate tickets, and have custom fields populated (via an RT extension). I'm curious about what the snags are that make email not possible.


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