On Jul 2, 2007, at 4:47 PM, Thomas Hecker wrote:

Hi to all,

i have the problem, that a reminder does not re-open a ticket. It keeps standing in the list of reminders, but does not open a ticket, when the time
for it has come.

That's not specced behavior, but it could be pretty easily added using a scrip.


You can find a screenshot right here:

In it you can see, that there is a reminder that should have re- open the
ticket #42 16 hours ago, but didn't.

I'm running rt 3.6.1 on a debian 4.0 linux using sendmail for all email
stuff. there are no other applications running on the server.

There were no modifications done to the codebase or any other scripts

can somebody point me in the right direction?

Thanks for help!


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