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On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 at 13:49 (-0400), Jesse Vincent wrote:
It turns out that the Makefile generated by Makefile.PL didn't include
my ../local/lib in the 'initdb' target definition. So, I edited the
Makefile manually (which I know you're not supposed to do, but I can't
figure out how to correct Makefile.PL), to insert
Out of curiosity, why do you need your local lib dir included for RTIR's
initialization script?
I can't say I understand it completely, but I figure it's because I have a
local mod to RT.pm and it seems that when my local/lib isn't present, the
'make initdb' has trouble finding some things. I say 'some things',
because I'm not exactly sure what the symptoms actually mean:
1. One error message said RT_SiteConfig.pm couldn't be loaded (and it did
mention the correct path to to that file and the correct userid/groupid):
Couldn't load RT config file /users/ist-rt/RT/rt/ist-rt/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm
as user ist-rt / group ist-rt. The file is owned by user ist-rt and group
ist-rt. This usually means that the user/group your webserver is running as
cannot read the file. Be careful not to make the permissions on this file
too liberal, because it contains database passwords. You may need to put
the webserver user in the appropriate group (ist-rt) or change permissions
be able to run successfully
[Typos in the last sentence as in the original].
2. The next message said it couldn't find RT/Extension/BrandedQueues.pm,
which is included at the bottom of my RT_SiteConfig.pm:
Can't locate RT/Extension/BrandedQueues.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
inc lib /opt/rt3/local/lib /users/ist-rt/RT/rt/ist-rt/lib
/users/ist-rt/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 /users/ist-rt/lib/perl5/site_perl
/users/ist-rt/lib/perl/5.8.8 /users/ist-rt/lib/perl
/users/ist-rt/share/perl/5.8.8 /users/ist-rt/share/perl
/users/ist-rt/share/perl/5.8.8 /opt/csw/lib/perl/5.8.8
/opt/csw/lib/perl/site_perl /opt/csw/share/perl/site_perl
/opt/csw/share/perl/site_perl /opt/csw/lib/perl/csw
/opt/csw/share/perl/csw /opt/csw/share/perl/csw .) at
/users/ist-rt/RT/rt/ist-rt/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm line 623.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/users/ist-rt/RT/rt/ist-rt/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm line 623.
Compilation failed in require at /users/ist-rt/RT/rt/ist-rt/lib/RT.pm line
*** Error code 2
Nowhere in the above path does my local/lib appear.
I couldn't figure out why it would try to look for the BrandedQueues stuff
if it couldn't load my RT_SiteConfig.pm in the first place.
(Hmm, it occurs to me now that perhaps what the first message really meant
was just that it couldn't load something it found *inside*
So, I looked inside the Makefile and didn't see any reference to my
local/lib, which made we wonder how it would find other things it might
need (I didn't know exactly what those might be, but given that I have
some mods in local/lib, shouldn't that always be in the search path?).
I was confused about what's going on, but I inserted the reference to my
local/lib into the Makefile and the errors went away; 'make initdb' was
able to add the required RTFM tables to the database.
I would have liked to edit Makefile.PL, instead of the generated Makefile.
But the entire contents of Makefile.PL look like this:
use inc::Module::Install;
license('GPL version 2');
perl => 5.008,
RT => '3.4.2',
Text::WikiFormat => 0,
Tree::Simple => 0,
HTML::TreeBuilder => 0,
Time::ParseDate => 0,
HTML::FormatText => 0,
YAML => 0,
which doesn't really tell me how to get the results I (apparently) needed.
One more thing. I didn't actually run 'perl Makefile.PL'. Instead,
because of my 'virtual private server' environment, I had to run this:
perl Makefile.PL `cat ../perl5prefs-ist-rt `
where the file '../perl5prefs-ist-rt' contains settings of a bunch of
variables to tell Makefile.PL where actually to install stuff, especially
perl modules (i.e., in my home directory -- /users/ist-rt -- , not the
system perl libraries to which I don't have write access):
PREFIX=/users/ist-rt/RT/rt/ist-rt/share \
INSTALLSITEBIN=/users/ist-rt/RT/rt/ist-rt/bin \
INSTALLSCRIPT=/users/ist-rt/RT/rt/ist-rt/sbin \
INSTALLSITEMAN1DIR=/users/ist-rt/lib/perl5/man \
INSTALLSITEMAN3DIR=/users/ist-rt/lib/perl5/man/man3 \
Notice that (third line above) my RT local lib is specified, in case
'Makefile.PL needs to know where all my RT stuff is. (But apparently this
wasn't enough to cause my local/lib to appear in the generated Makefile).
[BTW: the above 'perl5pref-ist-rt' file is the same as I had already used
to install the BrandedQueues Extension in this same environment, with no
Perhaps you have a better explanation of what's going on here.
Mike Friedman Information Services & Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 2484 Shattuck Avenue
1-510-642-1410 University of California at Berkeley
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