Gary Oberbrunner wrote:
Hi folks, I'm wondering how Reminders are intended to be used.  I set a
couple, one soon and one far in the future.  I didn't get any email or
notifications for the soon one when it expired; am I supposed to?

And for the future ones, I'd expect RT to only show my "upcoming" reminders,
not the long future ones.  Is that possible?

Also they don't "expire" when they are in the past; is that intentional?  I
guess I just don't know the "best practical" way to use them :-) so any advice
is appreciated.


How does the following attachement work for you?
Tuck it in ..../local/.../html/Elements/, copy the line for HomePageComponents from to and add TwoWeekReminders to the definition.
Restart Apache and Customize "RT at a Glance".

Jeff Voskamp
    title => loc("Reminders due in 2 weeks") &>
<table width="100%">
% my $i =0;
% while (my $reminder = $reminders->Next) {
% $i++;
% if ($reminder->RefersTo->First) {
% my $ticket= $reminder->RefersTo->First->TargetObj;
<tr class="<%$i%2 ? 'evenline' : 'oddline'%>"><td><a 
#<%$ticket->id%>: <%$ticket->Subject%><br />
<%$reminder->OwnerObj->Name %>  <%$reminder->DueObj->Unix >0 ? '&bull; 
'.$reminder->DueObj->AgeAsString : '' |n %>
% }}

my $reminders = RT::Tickets->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
$reminders->FromSQL('(Owner = "Nobody" OR Owner = 
"'.$session{'CurrentUser'}->Name.'")' .
    ' AND Type = "reminder" AND (Status = "new" OR Status = "open") AND Due > 
"1970-01-01" and Due < "2 weeks"'); 
$reminders->OrderBy(FIELD => 'Due', ORDER => 'ASC');

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