RT 3.6.4.  This is what I am trying:

1. Start a Comment on a ticket.
2. Add a CC: email address
3. Add a BCC: email address.
4. Write some comment.
5. Submit.

Results:  Comment gets posted to ticket.  No email gets sent to CC: or
BCC:.  In the web view, in the newly added comment it says RT-Send-CC:
with the address I entered for the CC:, but no email was sent to that

So, I thought hrmm, that's weird, so I looked at the global scrips and
did not see one that would send to CCs on Comment.  So I defined:

On Comment Notify Ccs as Comment with template Admin Comment

I confirm that this is now applied to all of my queues.  I take the same
test ticket and repeat the procedure, still no email sent. 

The logs show this (scrip 46 is my newly created scrip):

Sep  7 13:39:11 cherokee RT: RT::User::LookupExternalUserInfo :
ou=People,dc=cis,dc=uab,dc=edu [EMAIL PROTECTED] =>  Address1:
, Address2: , EmailAddress: [EMAIL PROTECTED], ExternalAuthId:
userforcc, ExternalContactInfoId:
uid=userforcc,ou=People,dc=cis,dc=uab,dc=edu, Gecos: userforcc, Name:
userforcc, Organization: , RealName: User For CC, WorkPhone: 
Sep  7 13:39:11 cherokee RT: RT::User::CanonicalizeEmailAddress
Sep  7 13:39:11 cherokee RT: RT::User::LookupExternalUserInfo :
ou=People,dc=cis,dc=uab,dc=edu [EMAIL PROTECTED] =>  Address1:
, Address2: , EmailAddress: [EMAIL PROTECTED], ExternalAuthId:
userforbcc, ExternalContactInfoId:
uid=userforbcc,ou=People,dc=cis,dc=uab,dc=edu, Gecos: userforbcc, Name:
userforbcc, Organization: , RealName: User For BCC, WorkPhone: 
[snip other scrip processing]
Sep  7 13:39:11 cherokee RT:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> #6783/81180 -
Scrip 46 OnCommentNotifyCCsAndBCCsAsComment
Sep  7 13:39:11 cherokee RT:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> No recipients
found. Not sending. (/usr/local/rt-3.6.4/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:257) 
Sep  7 13:39:11 cherokee RT: Use of uninitialized value in pattern match
(m//) at /usr/local/rt-3.6.4/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm line 1392.
Sep  7 13:39:11 cherokee RT: Use of uninitialized value in pattern match
(m//) at /usr/local/rt-3.6.4/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm line 1392.

Am I not understanding how those CC and BCC fields should work when
Commenting?  They work when Replying.  Do they depend on a scrip being
defined, or is this inherent behavior?  And if they do depend on a scrip
being defined, did I mis-define my scrip?


Fran Fabrizio
Senior Systems Analyst
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
University of Alabama at Birmingham


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