On Mon, Nov 12, 2007 at 05:32:00PM -0500, Joel Feiner wrote:
> Hello,
> We have had a successfully operating RT installing for many months now.  
> This weekend, we upgraded perl and now RT no longer works at all.  The 
> upgrade of perl was rolled back (it was just a minor update, so it 
> shouldn't have caused a major problem, in any case).  The problem 
> persists.

It looks like RedHat replaced Scalar::Util with a broken
version....again. Try reinstalling it?

We have tried reinstalling RT, enabling debugging and not 
> only does RT no longer work, but there are no errors in the Apache logs 
> and the debugging log I set up in /opt/rt3/var/log remains empty.  None 
> of the configs changed prior or during the outage, except to add in 
> debugging options, which have had no visible effect.
> Because our RT system is behind HTTPS, and also load-balanced using PEN, 
> it is hard to test with, e.g. telnet or bin/rt.  Note, of course, that 
> it worked successfully using this configuration before.
> We are using RT 3.6.5 on CentOS 5 (x86_64) running inside two Xen 
> virtual machines, themselves running on CentOS (x86_64).  Perl version 
> is 5.8.8 (build 10), mod_perl is version 2.0.2 (build 6.3).  All CPAN 
> dependencies are okay, verified with sbin/rt-test-dependencies.
> Here are the relevant config files:
> /opt/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm:
> Set( $rtname, 'XXXXX');
> Set( $Organization, "XXXXXX");
> Set( $OWnerEmail , 'XXXXXX');
> Set( $WebBaseURL, "https://XXXXXXX";);
> Set( $Timezone, "US/Eastern");
> Set( $WebExternalAuth, 1);
> Set($DatabaseHost   , 'XXXXX');
> Set($DatabaseRTHost , 'XXXXX');
> Set($LogToFileName, "rt.log");
> Set($LogToFile, "debug");
> 1;
> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf (relevant section)
> <VirtualHost XXXXX:443>
>        ServerName XXXXX
>        DocumentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html
>        AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
>  PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl
>  <Location />
>    SetHandler perl-script
>    PerlHandler RT::Mason
>  </Location>
>  SSLEngine on
>  SSLCertificateFile XXXXXX
>  SSLCertificateKeyFile XXXXXX
>  SSLCertificateChainFile XXXXXX
>        ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error_log
>        TransferLog /var/log/httpd/access_log
> RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/$ https://XXXXXX$1/index.html
> </VirtualHost>
> /etc/httpd/conf.d/perl.conf
> # <comments removed>
> LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so
> # and a large number of commented out things [we haven't otherwise 
> modified this file]
> So, at this point, we need some advice on the direction to take, and 
> what things to try.  I don't know enough about RT internals to properly 
> debug this situation.  I've read some of the documentation, but again, 
> since we didn't change any config before this broke, it shouldn't make a 
> difference.
> Thanks in advance.
> - Joel
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