I am attempting to install RT 3.6.3 on Gentoo. It is failing and tells me the perl GD module is missing, but CPAN and portage tell me that I have GD version 2.35 installed.

Here what I have done:

1) I searched teh list archives and managed to find a similar issue at thread:

http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/rt/users/63465?search_string=GD% 20is%20up%20to%20date;#63465

This user appears to not have received an answer to her post. I emailed her directly in hopes of receiving an answer, but have not gotten one yet.

2) I found other posts that address the issue of RT thinking a newer module does not satisfy the dependency it wants. THe solution in this thread was to install any way and it would still work.

So my questions are:
A) Can anyone tell me what version of GD RT wants so I can install that version. B) How can I force install RT and attempt to use the version of GD I have installed, if Above is not possible ?

Thank You!


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