
I upgraded our ticketing system from RT-3.4.5 on RedHat 9 to Rt-3.6.5 on
Ubuntu Server 7.10 yesterday.

Everything is working fine, including RTFM integration.

However, when a ticket is created, either via the webui or via an email
request, any additional replies to that ticket will open up a new
ticket.  This was not the behaviour with the older system.

We are using a MS Exchange email server, and using fetchmail on the
Ubuntu server to fetch the messages from the exchange server once a

I installed and compiled RT and RTFM from source and did not use the
ubuntu packages for them.  

Fetchmail is the one from Ubuntu.

Server is a Pentium 4 2.80Ghz CPU, 1gb of RAM, 80gb HD
ubuntu 7.10, up to date vi apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
fetchmail version 6.3.8+GSS+NTLM+SDPS+SSL+NLS+KRB5
perl 5.8.8
apache 2.2.4
mysql 5.0.45-Debian_1ubuntu3-log

Nothing odd in the apache log files or mail server log files.

Here is a snippet from /root/.fetchmailrc (All usernames and password
are correct)

username [EMAIL PROTECTED] password 'password' mda
"/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue 'Production Updates' --action
correspond --url http://ticketing.contextweb.corp";

username [EMAIL PROTECTED] password 'password' mda
"/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue 'Production Updates' --action comment
--url http://ticketing.contextweb.corp";

(Sorry for the wordwrap)

I am using LDAP authentication as well and that's working without any

I'll be glad to provide any additional files as needed, thanks.




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