At Thursday 12/20/2007 01:26 PM, Kenneth Crocker wrote:

I agree. If RT could not access the DB, then a lot of things would not be working. However, my point was really that based on the content of the error message, RT thinks that it hasn't FOUND the recipient. There could, and probably are, many possible reasons for that. Perhaps after accessing the DB, the data gets lost in transition or put into an area that got misnamed or is not accessible for some reason. I am not a "Systems" guy when it comes to playing with those technologies (UNIX, ORACLE, MySQL, etc.), but I have been in the business for a long time and my debugging skills tell me that RT is having trouble with either capturing the data or finding/recognizing it after it has been captured/found/stored. Somewhere in that process, the data is either getting lost or it becomes unrecognizable, ergo the error message you're getting. Sorry I can't be of more help. I am REALLY interested in what you DO find when you get the problem resolved. Best of luck.


The "No recipients found" message just means that the scrip decided that nobody should receive mail for this transaction - it doesn't mean that data is missing or corrupt. For example - if you have a scrip with action 'Notify AdminCcs' and there are no AdminCcs for the ticket or queue, you'll see this message in the log.




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