Hi all:

I have two queues with a custom field called assets. If a ticket is in
queue A, and I fill in the assets field it works fine as long as the
ticket stays in queue A. When I move the ticket to queue B, the assets
field is empty. If I move it back to queue A the field is once again
filled. We have to change the queue of a ticket as part of the

I saw that custom fields can be defined globally, but just two queues
of some 20 queues on our RT installation should have an assets custom

I am running RT 3.2.2, is this the way it's supposed to work, or is it
broken in 3.2.2? Is there some way to tell RT that the assets
field of queue A and the assets field of queue B are the same field?

                                -- rouilj

John Rouillard
System Administrator
Renesys Corporation
603-643-9300 x 111


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