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On Wed, 9 Jan 2008 at 09:22 (+0100), Emmanuel Lacour wrote:

On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 04:20:10PM -0800, Mike Friedman wrote:

One of our RT systems here was just upgraded from 3.4.5 to 3.6.5 and now I find that most of the 'style' is gone in the web pages, but only with Opera and IE (6). Firefox displays the new page formats just fine.

I had the same problem, this was because NoAuth/css wasn't excluded from fastcgi so there were headers added which was accepted by firefox but not by IE. The problem is certainly in your apache config. What are you using ? Fastcgi ? Mod_perl ? Can you give us a sample of your vhost configuration ? Also try to download your css from firefox and look at the result.

This RT is using mod_perl. Below is the RT-related excerpt from the vhost config. This was set up a long time ago by someone who no longer works here and used to support this RT instance. I must admit that I don't understand a lot of it; in the RT's I support, my vhost definitions are much simpler.


   ### ######################################## #
   ### RT3
   # NB, from the rt-users mailing list:
   # "I have avoided using RedirectMatch by only applying "SetHandler
   # perl-script" (which seems to be what blocks the usual DirectoryIndex
   # behaviour) to html files, and those specific directories which need it."
   Alias /rt /usr/local/rt3/share/html
   PerlModule Bundle::Apache2
   PerlModule Apache2::compat
   PerlModule Apache::DBI
 #  PerlRequire /usr/local/rt3/bin/ap2mp2-fix.pl
   PerlRequire /usr/local/rt3/bin/webmux.pl
   <Directory /usr/local/rt3/share/html>
     Order allow,deny
     Allow from all
     Options All
     AllowOverride All
     AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
     <Files *.html>
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlHandler RT::Mason
   <Directory /usr/local/rt3/share/html/Ticket/Attachment>
     SetHandler perl-script
     PerlHandler RT::Mason
   <Directory /usr/local/rt3/share/html/SelfService/Attachment>
     SetHandler perl-script
     PerlHandler RT::Mason
   <Directory /usr/local/rt3/share/html/REST>
     SetHandler perl-script
     PerlHandler RT::Mason

Mike Friedman                        Information Services & Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   2484 Shattuck Avenue
1-510-642-1410                       University of California at Berkeley
http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~mikef  http://ist.berkeley.edu

Version: PGP 6.5.8



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