Kenneth Crocker wrote:
> Tom,
>     If I understand your question, you are wondering why a particular
> Custom Field is not visable when creating a ticket, even if the user is
> root. The answer is related to how RT links Custom Fields to a ticket.

Ah, no - the root user can see and enter a value for the custom
attribute, its the other users that cannot.

> The user or user privileges "SeeCustomField", "ModifyCustomField", and
> "AdminCustomField" refer to what a user can do to a Custom Field IF )and
> IF is the pertinate word here) the Custom Field has been applied to a
> queue. In other words, the User rights (for a CF) don't mean anything
> unless the Custom Field has already been applied to the tickets in a

So I guess I am looking to find out what privilege I need to give the
other users to see the custom attribute...



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