One of our users would like to be added to a ticket as an AdminCc 
(and be notified) whenever a particular requestor sends (new) mail to 
the queue. I thought I could do this by taking advantage of the 
scrip-ordering feature:

   00 On Create User Defined (add user as AdminCc if requestor matches a list)
   99 On Create Notify AdminCc ...

The first part works fine - the user is added to the ticket as 
AdminCc. However, the second scrip finds no AdminCcs and sends no 
mail (No recipients found. Not sending). The scrips are definitely 
executing in the expected order - the RT log tells me so.

I thought that for a given transaction, each scrip was committed in 
order - so I expected scrip 99 to see the new AdminCc and send mail. 
But apparently not.

Can anyone explain why the newly minted AdminCc does not get a notification?


Stephen Turner
Senior Programmer/Analyst - Client Support Services
MIT Information Services and Technology (IS&T)


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