
I'm attempting to put links for attachments in emails, using the 
template provided here:,

specifically, the code for sending the link only for a given transaction 
that has an attachment:

{ my $res;
   my $Attachments = $Transaction->Attachments;
   $Attachments->Limit( FIELD => 'Filename', OPERATOR => '!=', VALUE => 
'' );
   while (my $a = $Attachments->Next) {
     $res .= "New attachments:\n" unless ($res);
     $res .= "  ". $RT::WebURL ."/Ticket/Attachment/". $a->TransactionId 
."/". $a->id ."/". $a->Filename;

It actually puts the link in mostly fine, but I have 2 issues.  The 
minor issue is that if the attachment has spaces in the filename, the 
url "stops" at the first space.  This is mainly a cosmetic issue, but 
figured I'd bring it up if somebody has dealt with this.

The major issue is that for whatever template/scrip combo I apply this 
to, it doesn't include any correspondence or comment that is added. 
Regardless if there is an attachment link.  I simply get "This 
transaction appears to have no content" in the body of the message. 
The attachment link shows up and works (other than the above caveat), 
but I never see any content.    Other ticket info that is referenced in 
the template (e.g. "Owner: {$Ticket->OwnerObj->Name}") shows up fine, 
but the transaction body doesn't.  That's in the template as 
"{$Transaction->Content()}".    Once I remove the attachment link 
scripting from the template, the message body works fine, so it's not an 
error elsewhere.

Any input is appreciated.  Thanks!   chris


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