I have followed some direction and made each of my customers a user in order
to prevent the data duplication that I had created and that would have
gotten out of hand otherwise. :)

So the next question becomes:

User 'johndoe' calls in for the first time.  I create a ticket for him which
automatically adds him as a user, this is great.
We work on the ticket and resolve the ticket.
User 'johndoe' calls in 2 days later, so I create a ticket. Now I am looking
at the ticket and I remember hey, this guy called in for the same problem 2
days ago, so I should review his last ticket
I know I can click on tickets and do a search for him and come up with his
previous tickets, but is there another way to do it? I was thinking that I
could click on the "More about <user>..." and pull up a ticket history that
might be displayed similarly to the "...highest priority tickets I own..."
section on the "At a Glance" Page.
Is there a way to do that or am I perhaps missing something very basic? It
just seems it would be handy to be able to see all of their previous tickets
in one central location when you click on the "More about..." section

Greg Evans


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