Thanks for the fantastic info Mike... it's much appreciated!

I spent some time with and did a little debugging.  I didn't
have much luck, but on a whim, in, I changed...

Set($LdapGroupAttr, 'uniqueMember');

Set($LdapGroupAttr, 'member');

I haven't been able to dig up how these two attributes differ yet, but I
confirmed that group-based authentication is working as intended.  I'm going
to come back to this and nail the issue down when I find a little time.

Thanks again Mike.  Sorry for the earlier barrage, List; Gmail appears to
have thrown a fit when I sent the message.


On 3/1/08, Mike Peachey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> RT Lists wrote:
> > These are the lines for our LDAP group settings in
> >
> > # If you set these, only members of this group can auth via LDAP
> > Set($LdapGroup, 'cn=RT,ou=ITST,ou=Everyone,dc=domain,dc=tld');
> > Set($LdapGroupAttr, 'uniqueMember');
> >
> > The group RT in the OU ITST in the OU Everyone in the AD root definitely
> > exists.  It contains users that can log in just fine if those lines are
> > commented out and RT is restarted.  When we try to log in with these
> > settings uncommented, the web interface says "Error: Your username or
> > password is incorrect" and we get these lines in the debug logs:
> >
> <snip>
> > Feb 29 12:32:26 stilgar RT: Trying LDAP authentication
> > Feb 29 12:32:26 stilgar RT: RT::User::IsLDAPPassword Found LDAP DN:
> > CN=rttestuser,OU=ITST,OU=Everyone,DC=domain,dc=tld
> > Feb 29 12:32:26 stilgar RT: RT::User::IsLDAPPassword AUTH FAILED:
> rttestuser
> <snip>
> >
> > I've been banging my head against the wall on this for a while and am
> > starting to run out of ideas.  If any of you fine folks can offer a
> > suggestion, it would be highly appreciated :)
> This is something for which you are going to need to debug the code
> yourself. You need to add a few new debugging statements to the LDAP
> groups code to work out exactly where the authentication is failing. It
> may be that the code isn't doing group checking in the way you'd expect
> for AD because AD is a poor bastardisation of good LDAP. To be honest I
> can't remember exactly right now.. perhaps when I get back to work on
> Monday I'll be in a position to check.
> Bottom line is, the code that does the group checking is unbelievably
> small and simple and with even the most basic programming knowledge, you
> should be able to fix it yourself.
> The code in question is inside IsLdapPassword inside
> $RTHOME/local/lib/RT/
>      # Is there an LDAP Group to check?
>      if ($ldap_group) {
>          $filter =
> Net::LDAP::Filter->new("(${ldap_group_attr}=${ldap_dn})");
>          $ldap_msg = $ldap->search(base   => $ldap_group,
>                               filter => $filter,
>                               attrs  => ['dn'],
>                               scope  => 'base');
>          unless ($ldap_msg->code == LDAP_SUCCESS ||
>                  $ldap_msg->code == LDAP_PARTIAL_RESULTS) {
>              $RT::Logger->critical((caller(0))[3],
>                                    "Search for", $filter->as_string,
> "failed:",
>                                    ldap_error_name($ldap_msg->code),
> $ldap_msg->code);
>              return;
>          }
>          unless ($ldap_msg->count == 1) {
>              $RT::Logger->info((caller(0))[3], "AUTH FAILED:",
> $self->Name);
>              return;
>          }
>      }
> Recommendations I would make would be:
> 1. Insert "use Data::Dumper" at the top of the file.
> 2. For each variable that you're not TOTALLY sure what it does and what
> it's set to within the block of code above, insert
> "$RT::Logger->debug("\$VARIABLE = $VARIABLE);"
> 3. Check your AD schema to ensure that if you were to search for
> $ldap_group, using the $filter with a base scope, looking for dn attrs,
> that you would return a single group.
> 4. If you want to be sure what the ldap search results in:
> "$RT::Logger("Ldap Result:\n",Dumper($ldap_msg));" straight after the
> search directive.
> 5. Finally, don't forget that, as shown in the code above, the group
> authorisation is confirmed if the LDAP search results in one and only
> one result. If it gives more than one result, the auth fails. You may
> want to code your way around this if you need to have multiple possible
> groups results.
> As a general tip for coding in IsLdapPassword: Authorisation is
> successful if the method runs to the end wihout interruption. All the
> checks within it return 0 (default for return statement) if the user is
> to be denied access or just continue on to the next check if a failure
> wasn't detected.
> Have fun...
> Don't forget.. when you're done making a change to
> $ apachectl stop
> $ rm -rvf $RTHOME/var/mason_data/obj/*
> $ apachectl start
> --
> Kind Regards,
> ___________________________________________________
> Mike Peachey, IT
> Tel: +44 (0) 114 281 2655
> Fax: +44 (0) 114 281 2951
> Jennic Ltd, Furnival Street, Sheffield, S1 4QT,  UK
> Confidential
> ___________________________________________________

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