On 3/13/2008 12:20 PM, Greg Evans wrote:

> Not even a clue where I might begin on this. Maybe a scrip that if the user
> is in Group "B" then change the password to ****'s?  Not sure, so I thought
> I would ask.

Actually, you're pretty close.

1) add a new Group right for people that will see the password (e.g. 
SeePassword) -- see the top of MoreAboutPrivilegedUsers on the wiki for 
how to do this

2) give this new right to the group that needs it

3) Wherever it is that you added the code to print the password, add a 
new if block:

Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
%my($displayedPassword) = "***";
%if ( $Ticket->CurrentUserHasRight('SeePassword') ) {
%   $displayedPassword = WhateverYouSetItToNow;
Email Password: <% $displayedPassword %>

See CleanlyCustomizeRT for more info.


Joe Casadonte

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== The statements and opinions expressed here are my own and do not ==
== necessarily represent those of Oracle Corporation.               ==
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