K, thanks for your reply. I was mainly interested in finding out if the
feature exists; I doubt our RT admin would want to code it himself
anyway ;) I'm sure we will be moving our support to RT soon regardless.

Philip Haworth
Support Developer
Scout Solutions Software Ltd
01905 361 500

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-----Original Message-----
From: Kenneth Crocker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 25 March 2008 16:54
To: Philip Haworth
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RT 3.6.4 - Threading of comments in a ticket's


        I think I understand now what you were asking. The stuff about
the requestor sending in an adeendum threw me off. It seems the question
is simply "can RT be configured to insert replies to comments next to
the comment being replied on, instead of by chronological order?". If I
am correct in understanding your question, my answer is "I've never
heard or seen it". My understanding of history is that they are
attachments records that can be displayed in ascending or descending
order only. To get around that, you would probably have to get "into" RT
and add another option and code the way that option should work. IT
seems a bit messy, but possibly doable. I just tell my clients it's a
built in limitation and leave it at that. They don't seem to mind as RT
has so many other terrific features. Sorry I couldn't help.


On 3/25/2008 7:11 AM, Philip Haworth wrote:
> Firstly, sorry for the delay in replying - last Friday was good 
> Friday, then the weekend, and this Monday being another bank holiday 
> has lead to a long delay in getting back to work.
> FYI the failure email I got contained:
> 'This is the mail system at host diesel.bestpractical.com.
> I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be 
> delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.
> For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.
> If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your 
> own text from the attached returned message.
>                    The mail system
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (expanded from
>     <rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com>): mail forwarding loop for
> I remember getting an email saying my email had been successfully 
> received by the list; but then this one came later so I got a bit 
> confused.
> The issue here isn't how I store the email content - as this is a test

> installation of RT, I am currently dealing with emails through the 
> traditional support inbox, and then copying their contents over to 
> comments in tickets that I create in RT as part of this test.
> Autocreation of tickets via emailing RT has already been successfully 
> tested, but this will only be brought into action fully when the 
> decision is made to move support email address to RT, so for now I'll 
> still be using comments.
> The issue is merely how comments (and presumably replies) are 
> displayed to the user in the ticket's history. If I create a 'reply' 
> to a comment
> (note: this is not a reply in RT parlance, i.e. a reply email to the 
> ticket; but creation of a comment by clicking a particular comment's 
> 'comment' link), I expect History to have a view that visually 
> associates this comment 'reply' with the original comment. I have 
> attached a gif illustration of what I mean.
> Philip Haworth
> Support Developer
> Scout Solutions Software Ltd
> 01905 361 500
> This E-mail and any attachments to it are strictly confidential and 
> intended solely for the addressee. It and they may contain information

> which is covered by legal, professional, or other privilege. If you 
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> or take any action in reliance on this E-mail or its attachments. If 
> you have received this E-mail in error, please notify the sender at 
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> Neither Scout Solutions nor the sender accepts any responsibility for 
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> responsibility to scan the e-mail and any attachments before opening 
> them.
> If this e-mail is a personal communication, the views expressed in it 
> and in any attachments are personal, and unless otherwise explicitly 
> stated do not represent the views of Scout Solutions.
> Scout Solutions Software Limited is registered in England and Wales 
> number 4667857 and its registered office is Whittington Hall, 
> Whittington Road, Worcester WR5 2ZX
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kenneth Crocker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 20 March 2008 17:01
> To: Philip Haworth
> Cc: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] RT 3.6.4 - Threading of comments in a ticket's

> history?
> Philip,
>       I received your email yesterday, so the failure notice you got
> stop your email from getting to the user's group.
>       I'm not sure what advantage you get from altering the way RT
> it's replies. Both are part of ticket history and both have separate 
> rights control of what a user can see in that history (you can set it 
> so a user can see neither, either, or both). You can also alter the 
> chronology from ascending to descending. I suppose it's my lack of 
> understanding of how your method is supposed to be better than the 
> built-in abilities that RT has that keeps me from being able to help 
> you accurately. So, let me ask; what is the supposed advantage of 
> storing an email as a comment as opposed to leaving it be? Why does 
> the requestor sending a second, clarifying email upset the apple cart?

> With those answers, I might be able to steer you in an acceptable
> Kenn
> On 3/20/2008 5:53 AM, Philip Haworth wrote:
>> Note: This is a second attempt to send this email after delivery 
>> failure without a reason given for the first attempt.
>> Hello, I am currently testing Request Tracker in the hopes that it 
>> will be the Issue Tracker system that the small company I work for 
>> will settle with, to deal with support requests and then other uses 
>> as
>> they would arise.
>> During working on one support ticket, I came across a minor issue: At

>> the moment I am storing emails from the client as Comments in the 
>> ticket, and I had generated a fair number of History items for the 
>> ticket I was working on. I found that the client had send a second 
>> email clarifying her original support request, straight after the 
>> original email had been sent - however as I wasn't aware of this 
>> email
>> at the time, it hadn't been added to the ticket straight after the 
>> opening comment of her original email. I then used the Comment link 
>> of
>> the opening comment in order to indicate that the original email has 
>> been superseded with this new email; entered the email in then 
>> submitted the Comment. Unfortunately this comment was the appended to

>> the end of the History list for the current ticket - this wasn't what
> I was after.
>> I wanted the comment I added to be displayed under the original 
>> comment to indicate that it was a 'reply' to the original comment - 
>> otherwise someone having a quick overview of the ticket might not 
>> realise that the client had sent a second email clarifying her first.
>> Basically I'm after a threaded view of the relationship between the 
>> ticket comments (as used in Newsgroups), when I use the specialised 
>> Comment links rather than the overall ticket Comment link. Is this 
>> something that's in RT's settings, or is it outside the current spec 
>> of RT? Unfortunately I'm just a user of the system and don't have the

>> knowledge to program RT itself, but I can talk to the RT 
>> administrator
>> if any required code changes are easy enough.
>> Thanks for any help.
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