I implemented SHowStatusInCOlor from the wiki today (http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/ShowStatusInColor) and it is quite handy for what we are doing here. Now I would also like to color the queue names in a similar fashion. I used the first implementation shown on the Wiki page (instead of the CSS version) and then thought, OK easy enough I can just change this around a bit and do the same thing on the "Queue" column.
As everyone is well aware I consider myself a newb, and definitey NOT a perl hacker or even close to resembling one, though I do have a copy of the Perl books from O'Reilly, so maybe someday :) Anyway, after my success with the status coloring, I did this and it doesn't work :/ Can anyone tell me what I did wrong :) I have a sneaky suspicion that it involves the whole $Ticket->Queue bit, and I was admittedly just guessing that $Ticket->Queue would be proper. sub queueInColor { my $Ticket = shift; my $queue = $Ticket->Queue; my $qcolor = undef; if ($queue eq 'queue1') { $qcolor = "#660099"; } elsif ($queue eq ' queue2') { $qcolor = "#000090"; } elsif ($queue eq ' queue3') { $qcolor = "#999999"; } elsif ($queue eq ' queue4') { $qcolor = "#FF6600"; } elsif ($queue eq ' queue5') { $qcolor = "#009000"; } elsif ($queue eq ' queue6') { $qcolor = "#900000"; } elsif ($queue eq ' queue7') { $qcolor = "#AA8000"; } elsif ($queue eq ' queue8') { $qcolor = "#000000"; } elsif ($queue eq ' queue9') { $qcolor = "#996633"; } $queue = loc($queue); if ($qcolor) { $queue = "<font color=$qcolor>$queue</font>" } return \"$queue"; } Queue names have been changed to protect the innocent ;) As always, any insight is appreciated. Thanks in advance, Greg Evans Hood Canal Communications (360) 898-2481 ext.212 _______________________________________________ http://lists.bestpractical.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rt-users Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media. Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com