Hi List,
    I am trying  to use a scrip/template to include/attachments that were 
provided to the ticket in earlier transactions.
    ( ie the requestor attached a file with the initial request ).
    The template will  send  to external non-RT defined users ( ie not CC'c 
AdminCC's or watchers ) with no access to RT.
    The template fires based on a selection made to a CF that has the email 
address's of people in a somewhat long dropdown list.

    So basically what I have working now is;
 1.    Ticket comes into RT 
 2.   It may or may not have a file attached 
 3.   AdminCC's of queue are notified, they review ticket request content and 
then using the Custom field dropdown list , select  appropriate person's email .
4.   this change to that custom field automatically fires off the template 
which uses that CF email selection as the TO:  in the template.
      the template boilerplate contains the initial ticket request content ....

The problem I have is I can't seem to get the file ( if there is one ) that was 
attached by the requestor  to be included in the outgoing email as well.

Anybody doing something like this and have a hint or two they can share...


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