Hello everybody!

I have the following template for autogenerating user and password after
creating a new ticket:

Subject: AutoReply: {$Ticket->Subject}

*RT::User::GenerateRandomNextChar = \&RT::User::_GenerateRandomNextChar;

if (($Transaction->CreatorObj->id != $RT::Nobody->id) &&
(!$Transaction->CreatorObj->Privileged) &&
($Transaction->CreatorObj->__Value('Password') eq '*NO-PASSWORD*')
) {

my $user = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
my ($stat, $pass) = $user->SetRandomPassword();

if (!$stat) {
$OUT .=
"An internal error has occurred. RT was not able to set a password for
Please contact your local RT administrator for assistance.";


$OUT .= "
You can check the current status and history of your requests at:


When prompted, enter the following username and password:

Username: ".$user->Name."
Password: ".$pass."

How can I add this user to a group automatically in this script?



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