Hi Mike

Thanks for the quick response.  I did a reinstall of RT and that fixed 
the problem. My predecessor must have modified the code at some point.


Mike Peachey wrote:
> Lloyd Hughes wrote:
> > I'm using Mike Peachey's RT-Authen-External installed via c-pan but am
> > unable to login. I'm running RT3 v 3.6.5
> >
> >>From my log file it appears that sAMAccountName is not getting set, or
> > the user's login name is not being passed to RT-Authen-External.
> >
> > My log:
> > [Fri Jun 20 20:57:11 2008] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: 
> DC=ZeugmaSystems,dc=local  == Filter: 
> (&(*sAMAccountName=*)(objectclass=Person)) == Attrs: dn
> > (/usr/local/lib/rt3/lib/RT/User_Vendor.pm:185)
> > [Fri Jun 20 20:57:11 2008] [info]: My_LDAP AUTH FAILED:  User not 
> found or more than one user found 
> (/usr/local/lib/rt3/lib/RT/User_Vendor.pm:208)
> I don't quite see where the *s are coming from: 
> (&(*sAMAccountName=*)(objectclass=Person))
> There definitely shouldn't be a * before sAMAccountName and the one 
> after should be an actual user and not a wildcard search.
> The config and the debug output dont seem to match up.
> Can you make sure that, with the config as it is, you do a full restart:
> apachectl stop
> rm -rf $RTHOME/var/mason_data/obj/*
> apachectl start
> and then try again and check that the output is exactly the same?
> Also can you confirm you are using v0.05 and you haven't altered it at 
> all?
> If after a full restart everything is the same, you might want to add 
> a little debug around line 208 in 
> /usr/local/lib/rt3/lib/RT/User_Vendor.pm to work out where those stars 
> are coming from - I've never seen them before...
> -- 
> Kind Regards,
> __________________________________________________
> Mike Peachey, IT
> Tel: +44 114 281 2655
> Fax: +44 114 281 2951
> Jennic Ltd, Furnival Street, Sheffield, S1 4QT, UK
> Comp Reg No: 3191371 - Registered In England
> http://www.jennic.com
> __________________________________________________

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