Rob Morin wrote:
> Hello all, first post here , so be gentle.. :)
> I was wondering if there si a way or add on to have RT track o rhave a 
> way to enter billable hours? Meaning a client creates a ticket say at 
> noon on Monday, we see it at 3pm and start working and over the course 
> of 3 days we work on and off for this issue. Is there a way at the end 
> before closing the ticket , or during any tasks done,  to enter the time 
> spent? lets say over the 3 days i spent 5 hours as billable work, or 
> even simply start and stop times for several tasks....?
> I hope someone understands what i mean...
> Thanks to all in advance..
> have a great day!

Hi Rob,

I use the Time Worked field in a ticket for this.



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