On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 10:35, Jesse Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> around; having to constrantly restart apache to flush the cache doesn't
>> help either.
> Look at  the $DevelMode configuration variable. It might make you happy.

Okay, but is there any documentation on developing plugins? RTx::Calendar
doesn't work
out of the box on 3.8, presumably because it adds nothing to @Plugins... but
doing so fails
because the file layout does not match what RT expects.* However I have no
real idea what
expects as I cannot find any fully documented plugins and the only promising
thread here
is years old and points at non-existent wiki pages...

* Adding 'RTx-Calendar' to @Plugins gets me the following message, which I
don't think should happen:
[Thu Aug 14 12:29:51 2008] [error] Can't call method "crit" on an undefined
value at /opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT.pm line 579.\nCompilation failed in require
at (eval 2) line 1.\n
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