On Aug 14, 2008, at 2:05 PM, Mark Eichin wrote:

> Note also that all of this is based on 3.6.1, which is I think the
> first release where the REST interface worked *at all* with Custom
> Fields; I seem to recall the later 3.6's didn't improve on this,

Actually, there have been a bunch of fixes to the Custom Field
code in the 3.6 branch.

Searching for "Won't Fix" as a value in a select custom field
works in 3.8.  I don't believe that fix is in 3.6

> but
> 3.8.0 might (before you harp on how old that makes 3.6, recall that
> there *wasn't* a 3.7...)

3.7 was the unstable branch that became 3.8, just like there wasn't
a 3.5 between 3.4 and 3.6

It would be great if all the other python usage information in
this post made it into the wiki in some form.



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