Hi RT list,

I have about 20 RT queues and my users are reporting intermittent
failures with delivery. One example is as follows;

Aug 11 21:32:20 dcmon01 sendmail[8402]: m7BLWJQC008218:
to="|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --debug --queue 'Operations' --action
correspond --url http://dcmon01.osti.local/rt/";, ctladdr=<op
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (8/0), delay=00:00:01,
xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=prog, p
ri=46549, dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: prog mailer (/usr/sbin/smrsh) exited

A what appears to be, well formed ticket email is sent to my request
alias, and is rejected with EX_TEMPFAIL. (There are further EX_TEMPFAILS
for the same message)

Eventually the exchange server gives up.

However the confusing thing is that with --debug set in the alias
command, I would expect something useful to be logged in either
/opt/rt3/log/rt.log or /var/log/messages

However there is nothing at all in them for the relevant time for the
message and EX_TEMPFAIL time.

According to the rt-mailgate script, there should be something for this;

warn $content if ($opts{debug});

and according to "perldoc warnings", the function warn should send the
content to STDERR...

So I've no idea where that information is going....

Any ideas?




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