Chris Nelson wrote:
> I upgraded my version of Ubuntu server to 8.0.4 because I was having 
> some trouble after upgrading to RT 3.8.1. <http://3.8.1.> I assumed 
> that the problems had something to do with my apache configuration or 
> the fact that I was running out of date software.
> So, I attempted an upgrade of Ubuntu. I'm a Linux newbie. After the 
> upgrade, I couldn't get Apache to start at all. I found that if I 
> commented out the line about RT (the include in the Apache config) 
> Apache started fine and all other sites were working great.
> So, I decided I would reinstall RT. I removed my /opt/rt3.8/ directory 
> and went all the way back to the install steps. I ran the tar command 
> to get the file to /tmp/. I then cd to /tmp/rt3-8-1/ and run 'sudo 
> ./configure --prefix=/opt/rt3.8/ --enable-gd'. Then I run 'sudo make 
> testdeps'. It tells me 'File::ShareDir...MISSING'. So, I run 'sudo 
> make fixdeps' and it tells me all dependencies found. Then I could get 
> into an endless loop - because testdeps still says it's missing.
> I figured I would go ahead and just run 'sudo make install' but it 
> bombs with the same error as above: CORE missing dependencies: 
> File::ShareDir...MISSING. It's worth mentioning that I looked and the 
> directory /opt/rt3.8/ is not being created (I don't know if that 
> matters or not).
In case you haven't done so run the following:
sudo cpan File::ShareDir

This should install File::ShareDir and resolve the problems of fixdeps. 
Running 'make install'  also runs 'make fixdeps' thats why you don't get 




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