On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 12:25:28PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> At the moment, we have a set of global scrips that apply to all queues.  We
> want to migrate to using per-queue scrips since many of the queues have
> different needs.  Is there an easy way to take the existing global scrips and
> apply them to all queues (and then delete the global scrips)?

here is a script I used a while ago to do this, you should adjust path
at top on the script and also add unwanted queues in @queues_blacklist
if needed.

should works fine but ... test it on test RT instance before your
production RT maybe ;)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Convert global scrips to per-queue scrips

use strict;
use lib "/opt/rt/rt/local/lib";
use lib "/opt/rt/rt/lib";
use lib "/opt/rt/rt/etc";
use RT;
use RT::Interface::CLI qw( CleanEnv GetCurrentUser );
use RT::User;

# Disable STDOUT buffering
$| = 1;

# Set locales

my $code;
my $msg;
my @queues_blacklist = qw(___Approvals);

# RT CLI initialization

# Get the current user all loaded
our $CurrentUser = GetCurrentUser();

unless( $CurrentUser->Id )
	print STDERR "No RT user found. Please consult your RT administrator.\n";
	exit 1;

# Get queues
my @queues;
my $QueuesObj = RT::Queues->new($CurrentUser);
while ( my $queue = $QueuesObj->Next )
	next if (grep {$queue->Name eq $_} @queues_blacklist);
	push @queues, $queue->id;

my $Scrips = RT::Scrips->new($CurrentUser);
while ( my $scrip = $Scrips->Next )
	next if (($scrip->Id != 3) && ($scrip->Id != 6));
	my $scrip_full_description = $scrip->ConditionObj->Name." ".$scrip->ActionObj->Name." with template ".$scrip->TemplateObj->Name;
	foreach my $queue (@queues)
		print "Create scrip ".$scrip->id." (".$scrip_full_description.") for queue ".$queue."\n";
		my $queue_scrip = RT::Scrip->new($CurrentUser);
		($code,$msg) = $queue_scrip->Create(
			Queue                  => $queue,
			ScripAction            => $scrip->ScripAction,
			ScripCondition         => $scrip->ScripCondition,
			Template               => $scrip->Template,
			Description            => $scrip->Description,
			CustomPrepareCode      => $scrip->CustomPrepareCode,
			CustomCommitCode       => $scrip->CustomCommitCode,
			CustomIsApplicableCode => $scrip->CustomIsApplicableCode,
		if (!$code) {
			warn "Error creating scrip: $msg\n";
			warn "Skipping global scrip deletion\n";
	print "Delete Global scrip ".$scrip->id."(".$scrip_full_description.")\n";
	($code,$msg) = $scrip->Delete;
	warn "Unable to delete scrip: $msg\n" if (!$code);

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