On Oct 3, 2008, at 10:49 AM, Duane Hill wrote:

> On Fri, 3 Oct 2008, Gabriel Cadieux wrote:
>> isn't the an upgrade process to change some stuff related to the DB  
>> schema
>> in order to accomodate the new installation/codebase when upgrading  
>> to 3.8?
> Yes. I've seen this dicussion numerous times in the past and know it  
> to be an issue with following the upgrade path. Perhaps I didn't  
> follow the previous conversation paths correctly.

That would be plausible except:

a. my RT 3.8.1 install is a brand spanking new install.

b. my RT 3.4.2 install is untouched.

c. the only thing 'upgraded' about my RT environment is the database  

Attachments are corrupted if mail is routed to the 3.8.1 install. They  
are not when routed to the 3.4.2 install.


I followed the upgrade documents to the letter in my test environment  
with a snapshot of the database. The ALTER tables process might work  
well for folks with a smaller data set but with 18GB of data, it takes  
four hours to run on a E5310 Xeon with dedicated disks. That is far  
too long to have our systems out of production.

Changing the character set of the database tables from latin to UTF  
can be done far more quickly and with less risk by dumping the  
database to disk, using sed to alter the dump file, and then  
importing. That process is hours faster.

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